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Mosaic Lincoln
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Les informations suivantes sont disponibles pour Mosaic Lincoln:

We are a community following Jesus in practicing rhythms of grace to bring renewal to a weary and burdened world.

A community of faith located in Lincoln, NE committed to live by faith, to be known by love, and to be a voice of hope.

Heures d'ouverture

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Dimanche:10:00 am - 11:00 am

Notez que les heures d'ouverture peuvent varier en fonction des jours fériés.

Mosaic Lincoln est à l'adresse suivante:

2229 J St (Lincoln High)

Consultez la carte pour voir où vous pouvez trouver un Mosaic Lincoln.


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(402) 881-0739

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Que s'est-il passé à Mosaic Lincoln récemment? Ici vous pouvez voir les nouvelles pertinentes:


| Labor Day Weekend Brunches | THIS Sunday! . . . NO Sunday Gathering at LHS this week. We’re giving our serving teams a needed rest and we’re intentionally engaging the places we live and the people who fill those spaces. Grab a few friends from Mosaic, invite some neighbors/guests and share tables knowing Love is present in your midst. Feel free to leave a comment with any information if you'd like to invite others to a brunch you're hosting. We look forward to gathering again as a Mosaic family on Sunday, September 8 at Lincoln High. . . . Let's remember living locally as Jesus displayed is an opportunity to enter a labyrinth of life and culture in our neighborhoods that needs to be recognized, respected and reoriented around. Let’s do that this weekend, Mosaic.


Hope to see you tomorrow, Mosaic! . . Remember our special gathering time of 4:30pm at LHS and shared dinner following the gathering. We'll be serving Rutabaga's Vegan Comfort Food Nachos (100% plant based and are loaded with ground shrooms, Mexican street corn & black beans, nacho cheese, pineapple guac, & sour cream) for $10. And, for those who need their meat, BBQ pork sandwiches are available on the house. Come and join us as we share in faith, hope and love!


Good morning, Mosaic! . . . We’re preparing to sing and pray ourselves forward this morning, 10am @ Lincoln High. Jesus is continually inviting us to receive his Kingdom that is present among us. We’d love to have you with us.


| Sundays in June, Lincoln High @ 10am . . . Again and again, the ancient and often ambiguous scriptures challenge and cheer us on as we walk our difficult paths of faith. . . . They open windows and unlock doors inviting us to risk and to venture beyond what is familiar to seek God directly. . . . They invite us to see through the words on the page to see what God is up to in the here and now so we can embrace wisdom and participate with God's work. It's been said the beginning of awe is wonder, and the beginning of wisdom is awe. Together, let's discover our place in these ancient scriptures filled with stories of wonder, awe and wisdom. Wherever you might be on your journey of faith, we invite you to join us.


We all need to eat and drink to stay alive. But having a meal is more than eating and drinking. It is celebrating the gifts of life we share. A meal together is one of the most intimate and sacred human events. Around the table we become vulnerable, filling one another’s plates and cups and encouraging one another to eat and drink. Much more happens at a meal than satisfying hunger and quenching thirst. Around the table we become family, friends, community, yes, a body. That is why it is so important to “set” the table. Flowers, candles, colorful napkins all help us to say to one another, “This is a very special time for us, let’s enjoy it!” ~Henri Nouwen Enjoy yourselves this morning, Mosaic, as you gather around your tables set for brunch. Remember, no gathering at Lincoln High this morning, and we look forward to gathering as one family next Sunday.


...for all the women in our community who guide us with God's unfailing love daily


| Raised to New Life | Baptism Celebration - May 5, 2019 . . We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. . . Thank you, Andrea, for sharing your life and story with us. May you continue to delight in your weaknesses. For when you are weak, Jesus in you is strong. His grace is sufficient for all of us, and his power is made perfect in our weakness.


| THIS Sunday, May 5! ... 4:30pm Gathering at Lincoln High . . . NOT 10am! Join us for a Baptism Celebration and Taco Food Truck dinner after the celebration. Bring $ for your tacos!


As we clock our weekly hours, as we recount our past years, Lord there’s such temptation to look back with dissatisfaction, to compare our journeys with others’. Even as we follow You, God, self-doubt and fear of insufficiency follow us. They creep in like thieves and misdirect our attention. A million little moments we nearly miss and yet, in this brokenness... Lord, we welcome You here. Spirit, give us eyes to see You and the paths You’ve called each of us to uniquely follow. Lord, we welcome You here. As we stumble, as we compare, as we doubt, Lord clarify our vision. It’s so easy to lose sight of Your quiet presence in our lives when we seek something special and glimmering. In the ordinary moments of Your living resurrection... Lord, we welcome You here. God, remove the scales from our eyes. Remove the dust and specks. Help us to see You clearly. Stir in us a patience and a mindfulness for all You have in store for us now and in the moments to come. Lord, we welcome You here and we invite You to stay here, now and forever. Amen.


He is Risen, Mosaic! We hope to have you with us this morning at The Graduate, 10am, corner of 9th and P in downtown Lincoln.


How strange it sounds, Mosaic, that we worship a crucified God! This is truly the scandal of our Christian faith. God isn’t distant from us, but he takes on our flesh and endures suffering brought by human hands as he forgives our sin. At the cross Jesus reveals God as Savior of the world. Amen. On this Good Friday, may you know that you are included in the forgiveness God extends through his sacrificial death as a crucified God. And, may you consider the ways you can participate with Jesus in taking on a cruciform life in order to extend self-emptying love, abundant grace, forgiveness and beauty to our broken world. For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. ~Titus 2:11-14


| Sunday, April 14, 2019 ... Let us pay attention to your meticulous detail and care as the robust colors of Spring reveal themselves . . . God, Creator of our world, artist of our hearts, author of our stories, we come to you with tired bones and white knuckles, as we attempt to hold on so tightly to what isn’t ours. We acknowledge your presence as it fills this room through the breath from our lungs. You are the beginning and the end, we come to You. You feel our anxieties and you see our struggle. You know the weight of what we carry, let us let You lighten this load. Lord, relieve us. Help us to see You in every space of our hearts, stories, and individual worlds. In the spaces that may be seen but also in the unseen. Lord, reveal to us. Let us be in awe of the immensity of your Spirit. Let the vastness of your love, overwhelm us. Lord, inspire us. Meet us in the darkness where our questions cast shadows, may the light of your love draw us in close. Lord, lead us. As we come together with others in community, reveal to us your beauty through the hearts you gave them. Lord, pursue us Let us pay attention to your meticulous detail and care as the robust colors of Spring reveal themselves Lord, show us May we never take for granted your intimate nearness. May we see, hear, and feel you all around us. Unite us together through the shared struggles and joys of our lives. As we seek, we find our identities in You, everlasting strength and infinite love. Amen


| Mosaic Gathering Prayer: April 7, 2019 Father of us all We bring our hearts, minds and bodies before You this morning. Anything that is anxious and scattered within us, we still. We center ourselves in this place, in our chairs, in our bodies. And we open ourselves to You. Holy Father, You created our hearts and You know our hungers. Sweet Spirit, You dwell within us and You see our thirst. Strong Brother, You walked among us and You know our pain. We invite You into the broken places in our hearts; Dear Lord, bring healing. We invite You into the anxious places in our minds; Dear Lord, bring calm. We invite You to bless anything unloved in our bodies; Dear Lord, bring affirmation. We invite You to touch any strife in our relationships; Dear Lord, bring grace. We invite You to hold any pain in our lives; Dear Lord, bring peace. We invite You into our homes, our neighborhoods, our city, our country; Dear Lord, bring restoration. We invite you into our world; Dear Lord, bring love. Together, we affirm the reality of the abundant life You offer. Together, we pray for an ever-increasing experience of this abundance. We lay our doubts and our frustrations in Your hands. And receive from You, Joy.


May each of us love unreasonably, wastefully and unjustifiably. Let there be whimsy and improvisation in the grace of our gifts-- spontaneous, joyful, laughable and unpredictable. Love weirdly in ways that surprise and subvert. Stand before the calculus of this world and be accounted a shock and an embarrassment, the circus of our lives a scandal among those with proper, tamer tastes. Mosaic, may our love be wrong in all the ways that are right. And may our Lord Jesus Christ, who was broken open for the sake of the world, grant us peace.


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Ici vous pouvez trouver des vidéos de Mosaic Lincoln:

A crucified God? | Good Friday

How strange it sounds, Mosaic, that we worship a crucified God! This is truly the scandal of our Christian faith. God isn’t distant from us, but he takes on our flesh and endures suffering brought by human hands as he forgives our sin. At the cross Jesus reveals God as Savior of the world. Amen. On this Good Friday, may you know that you are included in the forgiveness God extends through his sacrificial death as a crucified God. And, may you consider the ways you can participate with Jesus in taking on a cruciform life in order to extend self-emptying love, abundant grace, forgiveness and beauty to our broken world. For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. ~Titus 2:11-14

| So Lent Begins

| So Lent Begins ‘Return to me, and I will return to you,’ says the Lord Almighty. ~Malachi 3:7 . What’s the purpose of lent? To give up. To cease striving. To wait. To welcome the grace of God. Lent is a season inviting us to discover the way God’s resources meet our needs. Lent ushers us into the access to something we can’t make happen on our own. Lent invites us to continually acknowledge our weakness so we can experience the strength of God’s power in our lives. So let’s forget about seeing Lent as a season to prove our piousness, righteousness or a way to suffer for God. This lenten season, let’s look for God’s grace to meet us in all kinds of ways. We invite you to join us for our Sunday gatherings during lent as we worship, explore and discover together.

Advent of Disruption Offering 2018

Join us in giving generously to our Advent of Disruption Offering. We're supporting the work of Adam and his team as they equip and resource local Tijuana churches ministering to the growing migrant caravan. Too, part of our offering will go to support the local work of the Center for Legal Immigration Assistance as they open doors of equal opportunity by providing quality, affordable immigration-related legal services to immigrants and refugees in Nebraska. You can give online at or through our Mosaic App. Choose 'Advent of Disuption' as the appropriate fund when giving.


For the past 2 months we've been peeling back the curtian of MOSAIC. Who are we, what makes us tick, where is God calling us, and who are the people that make up this unique tribe? This Sunday was the culmination. A day where we invtied you to say yes to sharing this collective calling. To not just exist as an institution but a people and be a part of MOSAIC CORE. This balloon launch is a celebration of those who said yes!! WE ARE… a community following Jesus in practicing rhythms of grace. WE EXIST… to come together as a people unencumbered by the cultural and religious expectations of our time, instead we will focus on receiving and extending the grace of God. WE HOPE… to cultivate safe spaces within our church family, our neighborhoods and our shared networks where people can lean into each other’s stories and experience the restoration of Jesus together. AND… as we go, we will listen, learn and recognize what God’s Spirit is doing among us, living out our shared and individual callings one step at a time. - Honestly... it's not for everyone ;-)

We Invite You to lean in to Mosaic Core

Mosaic: Following Jesus in Practicing Rhythms of Grace | Resting | Listening | Sharing Tables | Blessing | Celebrating We believe Jesus is present and working in a community practicing these rhythms. God's grace will be received and extended in fresh ways. We invite you to come and join us in the movement. Please let us know if you're ready to lean in with 'yes' by visiting


The entire narrative of Scripture portrays a God who is inviting people to participate in his reign, not by statically worshiping him but by worshipfully working with him in the here and now. We invite you to explore and join our future movement together.


OUR STORIES | Rachel Often times we see tragedies in life as curses. Things that hold us back from our calling in life. But what if God can use our tragedy and turn it into a calling? The beauty of Rachel's story is how it shows a God of restoration. Turning brokenness into something beautiful.


OUR STORIES | Katie You can find our podcast from last Sunday's message on our app, website, and here (

“I just remember laying in bed that night, looking. At you and saying, ‘I think we just lost everything we own.’” . OUR STORIES | BROOKE AND STEFAN CARLSON . This morning we will hear a powerful story perseverance in the midst of tragedy from our friends Brooke Carlson and Stefan Carlson. See you at 10am.

“I just remember laying in bed that night with you and I leaned over and said, ‘I think we just lost everything we own.’” OUR STORIES | BROOKE AND STEFAN CARLSON This morning we will hear a powerful story of perseverance in the midst of tragedy from our friends Brooke Carlson and Stefan Carlson. See you at 10am.

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Restaurants proche

Vérifiez également ce Restaurants à proximité:

Honest Abe's: 70th & Vine
840 N 70th St, Lincoln
Americain, Asiatique, Burger
The Parthenon Greek Grill and Taverna
5500 South 56th Street #8, Lincoln
Européen, Style de famille, Grec
Engine House Cafe
6028 Havelock Ave, Lincoln
Blue Sushi Sake Grill - Haymarket
808 R Street, Lincoln
Asiatique, Sushi
Blue Orchid Restaurant
129 N 10th St, Lincoln
Asiatique, Thaï
Texas Roadhouse - Lincoln
6301 Apple's Way, Lincoln
LeadBelly: Contemporary American Pub
301 N 8th St Ste 100, Lincoln
HuHot Mongolian Grill
201 N 66th St, Lincoln
Asiatique, Buffet, Chinois
Bison Witches Lincoln
1320 P St, Lincoln
Greg's Drive In Restaurant
1202 N Cotner Blvd, Lincoln
Americain, Asiatique, Burger
Source. EAT FIT
1701 Pine Lake Rd, Lincoln
Americain, Sans Gluten
Buzzard Billy's Lincoln
247 N 8th Ste 101, Lincoln
Tico's of Lincoln
317 S 17th St, Lincoln
Americain, Sud-ouest, Tex-Mex
Wilderness Ridge
1800 Wilderness Woods Place, Lincoln
Lazlo's Brewery & Grill - Haymarket
210 N 7th St, Lincoln
Fuzzy's Taco Shop
1442 O Street, Lincoln
Petit déjeuner, Brunch, Tex-Mex
Yogurtini Lincoln
233 N 48th St Ste J, Lincoln
Sultan's Kite Inc - Downtown
1311 O St, Lincoln
Asiatique, Européen, Fast Food, Méditerranéen, Moyen-Orient
The Normandy
2785 S 17th St, Lincoln
Européen, Français
GrannyWeavs Soul Food and Catering
621 N 48th St Suite 5, Lincoln
Bagels & Joe
4701 Old Cheney Rd, Lincoln
Petit déjeuner, Brunch
Rodizio Grill - Lincoln, Nebraska
737 P St, Lincoln
Brésilien, Latino-américain
Red Lobster
6540 O Street, Lincoln
Americain, Fruit de mer
Teriyaki Madness
2801 Pine Lake Rd, Ste B, Lincoln
Asiatique, Japonais
Rolling Wok Chinese Restaurant
2600 S 48th St, Ste 1, Lincoln
Asiatique, Cantonais, Chinois
Hôtels proche

Vérifiez également ce Hôtels à proximité:

Embassy Suites by Hilton Lincoln
1040 P St, Lincoln
The Lincoln Marriott Cornhusker Hotel
333 S 13th St, Lincoln
Graduate Lincoln
141 N. 9TH STREET, Lincoln
Hôtel Resort
Staybridge Suites Lincoln I-80
2701 Fletcher Avenue, Lincoln
Hyatt Place Lincoln/Downtown-Haymarket
600 Q St, Lincoln
Staybridge Suites Lincoln Northeast
1501 North 86th Street, Lincoln
Residence Inn by Marriott Lincoln South
5865 Boboli Ln (56th & Pine Lake Rd), Lincoln
Best Western Plus Lincoln Inn & Suites
2201 Wildcat Cir, Lincoln
Cloverleaf Suites Lincoln
200 South 68th Street Place, Lincoln
Bed and Breakfast, Hôtel, Motel
Comfort Suites University
4231 Industrial Ave., Lincoln
Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Lincoln North Hotel and Conference Center, NE
5353 North 27th Street, Lincoln
Hampton Inn & Suites Lincoln Northeast/I-80
7343 Husker Cir (N 27th & I-80), Lincoln
Hôtel, Inn
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Lincoln Airport
1101 West Commerce Way, Lincoln
Westview B and B
7000 NW 27th St, Lincoln
Bed and Breakfast, Hôtel
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Lincoln I - 80
2200 Wildcat Drive, Lincoln
TownePlace Suites by Marriott Lincoln
7353 Husker Cir, Lincoln
Sleep Inn & Suites/ MainStay Suites Lincoln NE
2803 Folkways Blvd, Lincoln
Courtyard by Marriott Lincoln Downtown/Haymarket
808 R St, Lincoln
Comfort Suites East
331 North Cotner, Lincoln
Fairfield Inn & Suites Lincoln
4221 Industrial Ave, Lincoln
Fairfield Inn & Suites Lincoln Southeast
8455 Andermatt Dr, Lincoln
Cobbler Inn
4808 W O St, Lincoln
Hôtel, Motel
Comfort Inn
1010 West Bond Street, Lincoln
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Lincoln Airport
1000 West Bond Street, Lincoln
Poppy's Private Pooch Hotel
6010 Dobbin's Drive, Lincoln
Agents immobilier proche

Vérifiez également ce Agents immobilier à proximité:

Ashley Hustad, BancWise Realty
6120 Apples Way Suite 100, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Kasandra Myers - Woods Bros Realty Inc
3737 S 27th St, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
HOME Real Estate
5322 O Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Ruskin Place
1001 Norwood Drive, Lincoln
Service Immobilier
Sara Sanford - BancWise Realty
6120 Apples Way, Suite 100, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Candy Lopez, Realtor
301 S 70th Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Hayden Outdoors Real Estate - Justin Hertzel
NE, KS, SD, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Cody Schaaf Nebraska Realtor
6301 South 58th Street Lincoln, NE 68516, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Kimberlee Johnson Home Real Estate Agent
5322 O St., Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Jill Swim, HOME Real Estate
5322 O St, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Aleah German-HOME Real Estate
5322 O Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Whitney Tromblee - HOME Real Estate
5532 O Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Meg Wright, Realtor, Team Tenacious, Exp Realty
123 S 84th St Ste A, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Jamie Bertucci Agent at Woods Bros Realty
Woods Bros Realty, 3737 S 27th Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Jake Casper-Realtor
6301 S. 58th Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Stephanie Flynn, Realtor, Keller Williams Lincoln
301 S 70th Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Lindy Bryceson - Realtor with Nebraska Realty
6301 S 58th Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Nichole Gulbranson • Nebraska Realty
6301 S 58th Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Kathy Dixon-HOME Real Estate Agent
5322 O Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Megan Woita, Realtor
5701 South 34 Street Suite 101, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Andrea White, Realtor, AskAndrea, Woods Bros Realty
3737 S 27th street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier, Service Immobilier
J. Sweney Tidball, Woods Bros Realty
3737 S 27th St, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Jake Grasmick-Home Real Estate
5322 O Street, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Andrew Riley - Realtor - Home Real Estate
5322 "O" St, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
The Hilgert Group- Re/Max Real Estate Concepts
4141 Pioneer Woods Dr, Lincoln
Agent Immobilier
Salons de coiffure proche

Vérifiez également ce Salons de coiffure à proximité:

"The Straight Edge Barber Shop"
206 S 13th St, Ste 103, Lincoln
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Berks Barber Shop & Tattoo Studio
841 N 48th st, Lincoln
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Tips and Toes Nail Spa by Cindy
3800 Old Cheney Rd #103, Lincoln
Magasin de Cosmétiques, Salon de Manucure
Tangerine Hair Artist Salon
1416 O st., Lincoln
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Iasan and Sebastian Studio Salon
213 S 9th St, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure
Oasis Barber Shop
2709 O St, Lincoln
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Heaven Nails
8222 Holdrege St # 4, Lincoln
Salon de Manucure
Salon K
1245 Libra Dr Suite 102, Lincoln
Magasin de Cosmétiques, Salon de coiffure
Strawberry Patch Salon Studio SPS
1409 N Cotner Blvd Ste 407, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure, Maquilleur
Hair By Elli Stoeckinger
3601 Calvert St suite 26, Lincoln
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Spruce Hair Co
246 S 16th, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure
Roots Collective
325 S 11th st suite #3, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure
Golden Scissor
3104 Holdrege St, Lincoln
Salon de Coiffure, Salon de coiffure
Asha Salon
701 P St, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure
Sweet Jane A Salon
1725 O St, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure
Hair in the Highlands
110 W Fletcher Ave, Lincoln
Salon de Coiffure, Magasin de Produits de Beauté, Salon de coiffure
Designers On The Avenue
6205 Havelock Ave, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure
Salon Avalon and Spa
2601 Champlain Lane #400, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure
Sun Tan City
6900 O St. Suite 111, Lincoln
Salon de Bronzage
Douglas Baehr Salon
1600 Normandy Court, Suite 104, Lincoln
Service d'Extensions de Cheveux, Salon de coiffure
3700 Village Dr, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure, Salon de Manucure
Paul Mitchell The School - Lincoln
5601 S. 59th St. Suite D, Lincoln
Magasin de Cosmétiques, Salon de coiffure
6891 A street, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure
Sandy Galvan Hairstylist
141 S 9th St, Lincoln
Magasin de Produits de Beauté, Salon de coiffure
Salon Eco
5940 R St, Lincoln
Salon de coiffure